Ep 13: The 3-Minute Method To Delight & Segment Your New Online Community Members w/ Jamie Bright

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Automation Can Be A Curse

If community builders focus too much on automation, you risk alienating your customers and audience. Automation should create opportunities for high-touch moments that truly delight people. 

When it comes to online communities, you understand the importance of the onboarding process. Whether it's for your community, course, membership, or group coaching program, what you do in the first 24 hours or seven days can significantly impact the happiness, satisfaction, and success of your participants.

I want to introduce you to a special guest, Jamie Bright, who has a unique approach that can be implemented within the first 3 minutes of someone joining your program or list. This guest is an experienced entrepreneur who consistently thinks creatively about engaging her community. She also leverages new technology in innovative ways to foster connection on a scalable level.

Jamie initially worked in the membership space but has since shifted her focus towards serving successful entrepreneurs through her Brighter Together Mastermind. What sets Jamie apart is her dedication to helping entrepreneurs break free from the hustle mentality and cultivate an intentional lifestyle by design.

Jamie is an exceptional community builder, and I have gained valuable insights from her throughout the years. I've had the pleasure of attending events where Jamie's community has been by her side.  I've witnessed individuals dyeing their hair in rainbow colors and proudly donning t-shirts featuring Jamie's face. That's the level of connection Jamie can foster within her communities.

Our focus today is on a straightforward strategy that enables you to establish a strong connection and gain deeper insights into your customers or potential customers within the first 3 minutes of engagement. If you don’t know where to start, download my Free Guide and you will be using video in no time! 

Establishing A Strong Connection With Your Customers 

What is your favorite community you have ever been a part of and why did you really love being a part of that community? 

I have a lot of communities that I've loved throughout time and I think right now I'll stick with one of the more recent ones and that's definitely been Impact Mastermind that's run by Stu McLaren. I've been a member of that group for almost six years now. And it is an incredible tight-knit group of high level entrepreneurs who are making an income and an impact.

It's not just about business meetings. Some masterminds heavily focus on content, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Content is important. However, being a member of this mastermind for the past six years and experiencing the community that Stu cultivates, it has profoundly transformed both my life and my business. The individuals in this group are truly exceptional, and the connections formed here are often stronger than some family bonds.

During challenging times, I have reached out to them for support, to remind me of my true self and rebuild my confidence. I have stayed in their homes, vacationed with them, and experienced the most profound personal impact. It's rare to find people who truly understand and appreciate what I do, especially within my own family. However, within this community, I have found individuals who not only understand my work but also know me on a personal level. They offer unique insights into my business that others can't provide. It has been a truly wonderful experience. This community is, without a doubt, my favorite, as it has helped me achieve financial success while providing unwavering support and genuine friendships.

What are you doing now, who do you serve? 

I have a deep passion for helping individuals awaken and manifest their desired reality in life. When I started my online business full-time 11 years ago, I was caught up in a relentless hustle. I tried various strategies, throwing everything against the wall to see what would stick. My business grew, and I found myself saying yes to every opportunity in order to ensure growth. However, this approach led to a messy and overwhelming situation, trapping me in the chaotic "messy middle" from which it was difficult to escape.

There was always a belief that I needed to invest significant time and effort, sacrificing and toiling before I could truly achieve the life I desired. But when 2020 brought unforeseen challenges, I took it as a painful but necessary permission to start anew. Having been in business for a substantial amount of time, I realized that I didn't have to wait years to simplify and streamline my operations. In the past, it took me around seven to eight years before implementing systems and processes that aligned with my desired lifestyle. This time, however, I lacked the emotional capacity to go through a lengthy process due to the traumatic events that occurred. I know many others can relate to being in a similar position.

I was determined to rebuild and create something I truly loved, aligning it with my authentic self right from the beginning. Considering my time constraints, I only had around 20 to 30 hours per week to work. I no longer had the luxury of dedicating 70 to 80 hours or working seven days a week, as I did when I first started. Nonetheless, I was determined to approach my work with focus, intention, and alignment—understanding that these were crucial elements for success.

During this period, I began teaching and soon realized that while I had experience in that area, it didn't resonate deeply with my calling. Instead, I felt drawn to leading Masterminds and engaging in profound connections with a small group of individuals. This approach had a tremendous impact on me, helping me break free from the messy middle and truly scale my business.

The central theme of my Mastermind revolves around supporting entrepreneurs who have achieved a certain level of success but find themselves stuck in the messy middle. They have identified their target audience, developed a product, but struggle with their business running them. Inconsistent cash flow contributes to anxiety, and they yearn for a more aligned and fulfilling lifestyle. My aim is to help them reimagine what's possible and create a business that genuinely supports the lifestyle they aspire to have.

Onboarding Your Clients With Automation

Share with us how you implemented this strategy within the onboarding process of your community.

I use a little tool called VideoAsk.  Many individuals in the course and membership space utilize it, particularly for customer support. However, I've discovered a unique way to leverage VideoAsk, which is why I'm excited to share it with you.

In my case, I incorporate VideoAsk on the frontend of my processes. It serves multiple purposes, such as opt-ins and various other interactions. What makes VideoAsk special is that it allows users to view a video and then respond personally, or it can be set up as a personalized form. If you're familiar with tools like Typeform, Gravity Forms, or similar platforms, you'll find VideoAsk's features similar.

Here's the kicker: VideoAsk integrates seamlessly with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This means that the data you collect can be automatically pushed into your CRM for easy organization and access. 

Just to clarify, conditional logic is a feature that allows you to tailor subsequent questions based on the user's response to the previous question. So, depending on how I answer question one, I might receive a different question two—let's call them question 2A and question 2B.

When I mention CRM, I'm referring to your customer relationship management system, where all the valuable information about your email list subscribers is stored. This can be platforms like Infusionsoft, Keep, ActiveCampaign, or any other CRM software you may use.

There are numerous ways to leverage VideoAsk in your onboarding process for potential clients. Whether you're a one-on-one consultant, building your email list, or organizing an event, VideoAsk can be incorporated to enhance engagement and gather valuable information. 

I've been using VideoAsk to identify potential candidates for my mastermind. I conducted a workshop called "Launch Your First Mastermind" as part of my outreach. When I initially launched my mastermind, I had a small group, and I was essentially starting from scratch with only 86 people on my email list.

During conversations with individuals who were interested or had recently started their own masterminds, I realized that this workshop could serve as a filter to find participants who were further along in their business journeys. I specifically targeted individuals who were already making six figures or were close to reaching that milestone and were experiencing rapid growth.

The workshop itself is a two-hour session where I share valuable insights and guidance on designing a mastermind for their specific audience. It's an accessible and affordable offering. Now, to streamline the process, I wanted to differentiate between those who were new to masterminds and potentially suitable for my program and those who were already part of a mastermind but seeking additional resources like scripts and templates. My goal was to segment the participants and identify their specific needs.

After individuals sign up for the "Launch Your First Mastermind" workshop and are directed to a thank you page, they are prompted to join the community and access materials through a Facebook group. However, instead of redirecting them to Facebook, they are directed to VideoAsk where I can gather more information about them by going through 3 steps. . 

Step 1: Asking why they joined the workshop.  

Upon clicking the link, they are taken to a video where I personally thank them for signing up and ask them a specific question: "Why did you sign up for the workshop?" This question serves a crucial purpose as it allows me to understand which aspects of my messaging resonated with them, leading them to take action and make the purchase.

By capturing their response through video, audio, or text, I not only gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of my sales copy, but I also learn more about each individual and their unique context. This information helps me tailor my messaging to be more specific and impactful, resulting in a more powerful connection with my audience.

Additionally, if someone provides an exceptional video response, I have the opportunity to reach out and ask for their permission to use it as a testimonial, further enhancing my marketing efforts.

This first question is incredibly powerful, as it provides feedback on sales messaging, offers insights into the individual's background, and potentially collects stories and case studies that can be utilized in future marketing endeavors.

Step 2: Finding out if they are planning to launch a mastermind during the live portion of the workshop.  

In step 2,  I ask them if they are planning to launch a mastermind during the live portion of the workshop. I want to distinguish between those that are just thinking of launching a mastermind or if they have actual plans to launch a mastermind during our time together. I wanted to make sure that if somebody was launching now I was paying attention and could collect their story of success afterwards so I could get those testimonials as well.

The data is automatically collected and segmented based on their responses. This eliminates the need for manual input or scraping from Facebook questions. VideoAsk, the tool used, streamlines the process by presenting users with a button on the screen. They simply click the button, which takes them to a third screen where they are asked about their mastermind status.

The options presented to the users are whether they are currently in a mastermind, not in a mastermind, or considering joining a mastermind. Once the users select their response, they are directed to a group where they can join. This method allows for immediate segmentation and gathering of data on what prompted them to make a purchase.

The benefit of VideoAsk is that it automates the data collection process and eliminates the need for manual data entry or scraping Facebook pages for relevant information. The collected data can be used to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences without the need for additional resources or assistance from a virtual assistant.

Step 3: Delight Your Client

Once a user completes the process and joins the Facebook group, you receive a notification on your phone. This is where the aspect of delighting your clients comes into play. If you have a team, you can set it up so that they also receive notifications. When you receive the notification, you can immediately grab your phone, open the app, and click record to send a personalized message.

In the message, I can address the client by name, express my happiness that they signed up, and mention that I noticed they are launching their mastermind or currently not in one. I can offer assistance, such as discussing their progress, answering questions, or providing information about the mastermind I run. Regardless of their response, I warmly welcome them and inform them to access the Facebook group, where they can find guides and a downloadable PDF with templates. I may also mention a video waiting for them to watch.

By providing this personal touch and timely response, you create a powerful connection with your clients. They often respond back, expressing surprise and appreciation for my personal attention. These email conversations can continue back and forth, allowing for further engagement. To manage these conversations effectively, you can use an email program like Ontraport, which integrates with Zapier to pull in the data gathered.

Having this data allows you to customize the emails you send. For instance, I can send different sets of emails to those not in a mastermind compared to those already in one. I can also follow up with specific questions based on their mastermind launch status.. The process is fast, taking about 3 minutes or less for users to go through, and it's also easy to set up.

Creating Balance When Using Automation 

Automation is valuable, but it's crucial to strike a balance. Too much automation can distance you from your customers and audience. By using automation to streamline other aspects of your work, you create space and time to provide high-touch, delightful moments for your clients. The notification on your phone and the personalized message exemplify this approach. It's a high-value, high-touch interaction that occurs within an hour of the client joining, setting the stage for a positive journey together.

How to Get Started With Automation 

Starting with gathering information and then promptly responding to people is a key aspect of creating meaningful interactions. When setting up a system like this, it's important to choose 3 questions that will provide valuable insights and help you understand your audience better. 

  1. One suggestion is to ask why they made a purchase or signed up, as it reveals their motivations. 

  2. Another helpful question is to inquire about their current challenges or struggles in the relevant context. 

  3. Additionally, asking about their progress or completion level in a course or program can provide valuable data on their journey.

While using a tool like VideoAsk is cost-effective and user-friendly, it's not the only option. Facebook groups with pre-approved questions can also work, but keep in mind that the answers disappear once users are approved, requiring manual copying and pasting. However, this approach can still be effective, especially when starting on a smaller scale. The key is to capture essential data points that inform your understanding of the customer journey and mindset.

Personal touch can be challenging to achieve without the right tools. Sending Messenger messages can sometimes go unnoticed or end up in request folders, potentially flagged as spam. However, with VideoAsk, the messages show up directly in their inbox, ensuring better visibility. Also, you can even collect their SMS numbers if desired, and with appropriate setup, their name and email can be automatically populated in VideoAsk, streamlining the process and making it easier for them.

The point to emphasize here is that investing time in learning and implementing new technologies or tools can pay off in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and a better experience for your audience. By standing out from the crowd and offering a unique and interactive approach, you create opportunities to delight and build trust with your community. Establishing that know-like-trust factor is crucial for long-term success, and this system facilitates fast trust-building conversations, setting you apart in a noisy online space.

Shana Tip: Want to learn how to get started quickly with video? Download my Free Guide and you will be using video in no time! 

Why Did you start a secret podcast? 

The Bright Entrepreneur podcast was born out of my mastermind group, where I would occasionally send voice memos sharing my thoughts and ideas in the moment. One member of the group recognized the value in these memos and suggested that I share them with a wider audience. 

On my Bright Entrepreneur podcast, I typically share my experiences and insights after I have tested and implemented strategies. However, I wanted to offer something different for my email subscribers.

I use a service called Hello Audio, which allows me to create private podcasts exclusively for my email subscribers. Each subscriber receives a unique link that cannot be shared with others. These private podcast episodes are raw and unfiltered, capturing my thoughts in the moment.. The episodes vary in length from two to around 20 minutes and are recorded wherever I happen to be, whether it's in the bathtub, car, or with kids in the background.

In addition to the private podcast episodes, the show notes contain a VideoAsk link that enables me to engage with my audience and have conversations or provide feedback. To access the private podcast, you can visit gettheprivatepodcast.com,

Immediate Connections 

Jamie's strategy of sharing raw and unfiltered thoughts through private podcast episodes allows her to create immediate connections with her subscribers and future customers. It's a powerful approach that listeners can readily leverage in their own businesses.

Connect with Jamie  

Go to https://launchyourfirstmastermind.com to see how the systems she shared with us is set up and works. There is a workshop you can purchase which provides two hours of valuable content. When you go through the order form and reach the thank you page, you will have the opportunity to experience the system firsthand. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Brighter Together Mastermind,  a small group-focused community that emphasizes closeness and belonging, you can visit https://www.wearebrightertogether.com

Spoiler alert: The website also features a VideoAsk, allowing you to witness how Jamie engages with potential mastermind participants. By visiting the website and engaging with the VideoAsk, Jamie will personally respond to you.

Stay Connected with Shana Lynn

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To learn more about what I do and how I can help you, tap here.

Struggling with using Video in your business? Grab my Free Guide! 

*This article has summarized the interview to the best of our ability. To hear the exact words shared, listen to or watch the full episode. 


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