Ep 23: 3 Ways to Leverage Member Success Calls In Your Program

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3 Ways to Leverage Member Success Calls

Have you ever faced a customer support issue or bought a new program and wished you could have a quick 15-minute phone call to resolve all your problems and gain clarity? Well, I think a lot of people feel that way, which is why I use the secret tactic with a lot of my clients. We use something I call Member Success Calls throughout their programs to get members the support that they need and get them activated.

So picture this. You've just purchased a brand new high-end tech gadget from a local store. A couple days later, you get a phone call. Now, if you're anything like me, that phone call is going directly to voicemail that you're probably not going to check.  They follow up with a text message letting you know it's Sally from the store where you purchased that tech gadget, and she wants to hop on the call with you to make sure and walk you through how to use this new gadget that you've got so that you can get the most out of it.

Even if you don't take advantage of the call, you are going to feel supported. In fact, you're going to feel like they've gone above and beyond to make sure that you get the most out of your purchase. And chances are, if anybody asks about purchasing that gadget, you're going to tell them where to get it and the kind of support that is offered through the store where you purchased it,

So, what if you could offer a similar experience for your members and customers? You can! I have a secret strategy I use with my clients called Member Success Calls. We use these in various ways inside of their programs. But today I want to share with you three ways that you can use a Member Success Call  to increase your retention and reduce refunds.

What is a Member Success Call ? 

A Member Success Call is a short, 15 minute call with you, or more likely somebody on your team that they have with one of your members or customers. Now, this isn't a coaching call, it is not a consulting call. It's simply about guidance. Almost anybody on your team can have one of these calls with a member as long as they're able to hold a good conversation via phone or via Zoom.

There's a few outcomes that we want from a Member Success Call , and it's similar to what I want to see from an onboarding experience. 

  • Rebuild Belief in Themselves: The first outcome that we want is for them to rebuild their belief in themselves. During these calls, many members join with feelings of confusion, overwhelm, or self-doubt. Our goal is to dedicate some time to rebuilding their self-belief and assuring them that success is achievable. Often, it's this lack of belief that hinders their progress the most.

  • Rebuild Belief in the Program: The second outcome from a Member Success Call is to rebuild their belief in the program. Oftentimes, people start to doubt the program because they haven't been taking advantage of it, or maybe they're just confused and overwhelmed and they're not quite sure what to do next. So, we want to rebuild their belief in the program by reminding them of the path that they're on and the assets and resources that they have available to them. 

  • Clarify Their Best Next Step:  And then third, we want to get them clarity on their best next step. 

Our primary objective is to provide clarity on program usage and address any objections our members may have. These calls serve as a valuable opportunity to eliminate confusion and help them overcome any challenges they are facing.

Enhance Onboarding with Personalized Support

One effective use of calls is during the onboarding process. Welcoming new members with a 15-minute call can help activate them into the key activities of your program. By identifying the core elements that lead to member success, such as completing orientation, engaging with the core curriculum, or joining accountability groups or the Facebook community, you can focus on addressing these areas during the Member Success Call. This provides an opportunity to answer questions, guide members through the new member area, and help them understand the program's value and benefits. Additionally, it helps them gain clarity on the essential actions they should prioritize to maximize their progress.

The primary goal is to activate your members in your program and address any initial buyer's remorse they may have. By connecting with them early on, you can help them overcome doubts and establish a strong connection. Moreover, these calls present a valuable opportunity to address any early objections your customers may have. Leveraging these calls during the onboarding process allows you to proactively address concerns and ensure a positive start to their journey with your program.

Reactivate and Re-Engage Inactive Members

Another way to utilize these calls is during your reactivation process. If you're unfamiliar with what a reactivation process entails, don't worry. It's simply a method of identifying members who have become inactive or fallen behind in your program. This could include individuals who are a few modules behind in your course or members who haven't logged in, completed orientation, or joined the Facebook group in your membership.You can pinpoint members who haven't completed orientation within the first month, those who haven't logged in for two months, or individuals who are a few modules behind in your course. By offering them a 15-minute call, you provide support and encourage them to take immediate action. This helps them make progress and gain momentum while also providing a deadline as they have a specific day and time dedicated to your program.On that 15 minute call, we're going to remove any confusion that they may have about the program, how to access the resources, and overcome any lurking objections that may be leading to a future refund or a cancellation. We're going to  help tackle any doubts that they may have about themselves and what's possible for them, and point them to the best resource.

By offering members a simple and actionable step during the 15-minute call, we can help them take immediate action and make progress. It's highly effective to follow up with them a few days later to ensure they have accomplished the assigned task. This approach works wonders for reactivating members and getting them back on track within your program.

Turning Cancellations into Positive Experiences

The third way you can make use of Member Success Calls is when someone requests to cancel or asks for a refund. It's a valuable opportunity to ask how we can provide better support. By analyzing patterns and recurring themes, you can identify areas for program improvement. However, instead of waiting to make changes later, why not offer immediate help and support right at that moment? In many cases, when someone requests a refund, they still have access to your program and the refund hasn't been granted yet. This presents an opportunity to guide them back to a specific module or lesson in your program that can help them overcome their challenges. Even if you need to process their cancellation fast, there's still a chance to potentially reconnect with the right individual and persuade them to reconsider staying in the program. Often, people choose to cancel their membership due to feelings of being overwhelmed, confused, or discouraged. By having a phone conversation with them and understanding the reasons behind their overwhelm, we have an opportunity to assist them in gaining clarity and identifying the best next step for their situation. It's important to reassure them that they don't need to tackle everything at once, but rather focus on one action that will lead to progress. If their confusion stems from technical difficulties, such as navigating the member's area or using the Facebook group, a brief five-minute demonstration can provide the clarity they need. In the case of discouragement, where they compare themselves to others who are achieving success, it's crucial to normalize their experience and assure them that their journey is unique and progress happens at their own pace.  If you have the opportunity to have that conversation, you're way more likely to save the right person from canceling and resell them back into your membership program. And ultimately, for the person that's no longer a fit for your program, it's a great way to end things. 

As mentioned in a previous episode, it's essential to utilize the cancellation process not only as an opportunity to potentially retain the right individuals but also to ensure that those who are leaving do so with a positive experience. The way we handle cancellations and refunds greatly impacts our brand and the overall member experience. The Member Success Call provides a chance for them to exit the program gracefully if they have made the decision to leave.

Incorporating Member Success Calls in your Business 

You might be thinking, "Shana, I don't have the time for these calls," which is a common objection raised by my clients. Let me share with you what I tell them: You won't actually have a significant number of calls. The reality is that when we offer these 15-minute calls, only a small number of people will actually take us up on the offer. 

Should we then refrain from offering these calls? Not at all. Even if only a few people take advantage of them, the fact that they know these calls are available can positively influence their perception of our brand and the level of support we provide. Offering these calls demonstrates that we go the extra mile and are committed to their success. It becomes a valuable opportunity for both parties to connect and for you to gain insights from your members. 

In reality, you won't have many calls, and the time investment is minimal, especially since they are short, 15-minute sessions.Imagine if you could dedicate a team member's entire day to these 15-minute phone calls with members and customers. What if this initiative resulted in reactivating 30% of your members? What if it extended their average membership duration from 10 months to 18 months? Consider the impact this would have on your lifetime customer value and overall business profitability. 

How much would it be worth to you to retain members for a longer period? It's likely that the value would justify adding another part-time or full-time team member solely for these calls, if your members express a desire for them. Take a moment to reflect on the potential return on investment that can be achieved by utilizing a team member's time in this way before dismissing the idea of implementing these calls. Lastly, I encourage you to test this approach. Begin with a small group, such as those who haven't logged into your site for the past 60 days, and observe the outcome. Reach out to them, acknowledging their decreased activity and expressing your willingness to provide support, answer their questions, or assist them in determining their next steps. Share a link to your Calendly or scheduling platform, allowing them to conveniently book a 15-minute call with a member of your team. See what unfolds from there. If you decide to pursue these calls, please keep me posted on your experience. 

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