Ep 68: 6 Game Changing Ways to Use this Custom AI Tool for your Online Business

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6 Game-Changing Ways to Use Custom AI Tools for Online Business

Head over to aiforcommunity.com, to learn all about this custom AI tool and gain access to a free trial. You setup your own plugin in 10 mins or less. I’ll show you how.

If you're an entrepreneur with an online program, course, membership, or any form of training, I've got something that will revolutionize the way you serve your community. You're going to want to get access to this tool that allows you to customize an AI (Artificial Intelligence) bot in just a few minutes with your own content. And there are 6 incredible ways that you can use it to be able to serve your community better and create a more efficient and optimized business. I'm going into detail on those 6 ways today, and I promise you it is absolutely going to blow your mind!

AI: Embrace the Future

Wait, did the community person just praise an AI tool? Yes, I did. I am actually a fan of AI. If you are not a fan of it, I would encourage you to have an open mind during this episode. Now, this isn't the first time I've talked about AI. In episode 50, I had a discussion with an AI and deep tech expert, Dr. Jacqui Taylor, along with some of my amazing community members. We discussed all kinds of positives and concerns around the world of AI. So if you want a more philosophical conversation, go and listen to episode 50. But I'm telling you, have an open mind. 

You do not want to miss what is happening in this space right now. This is going to empower you to serve your community in all new ways. I'm going to be the one to let you in on this secret early on. AI is never going to replace human-to-human connection. That is one of the reasons that I say building and creating a masterful community should be your business's number one priority right now, because it's going to be the one thing that AI is not able to replace.

Use AI to Create Thriving Communities 

How do we use AI in order to create those human-to-human connections and create a more thriving community? Well, prior to this tool, I really wasn't sure how it was possible. Now, there were a few things that you could do here and there to optimize your content or your social posts and a variety of things that you could do with tools like ChatGPT, for example, but you couldn't really use it in a very intentional way to serve your community well. All of that has changed. 

Most AI tools are generic and it's not really helpful when you're trying to serve your community around your specific content. In fact, sometimes it takes more time to edit than it's really worth. Just ask me how I know.  My team and I use AI to support taking episodes like this and turning them into multiple pieces of content. Sometimes it doesn't really understand what I'm trying to say. It doesn't really understand my voice or know the content. So I was getting really frustrated and I wanted a tool to be developed that would know my content inside and out and leverage that content to create responses.

Well, thankfully, friends of mine were already working on a product like this and they developed an AI tool and let me in on it early. This tool allows you to easily customize an AI chat to your content and only your content, not generic stuff scraped from the internet. It's your brain in chat form. Now, it's not just spitting back quotes and responses from your videos or texts. It's consuming. It is learning. It is thinking and responding intelligently with the knowledge base of your content.

6 Ways to Use the Custom AI Tool in Your Online Business

I'm going to share with you 6 specific ways that you can use this tool to have a more thriving community and improve your systems and processes. Number 6 is absolutely gonna blow your mind. In fact, I didn't know this was possible, but I thought I would push the envelope of this tool and when I did it, I was shocked. You definitely want to read all the way through. 

Now, you're probably wondering, what is this tool? How do I get access to it? This is in the very early stages, but I can get you access. I'm going to show you exactly how to do it, walk you through how to get access, and how you can test it for free before you dive into the paid version. You can get all of that at aiforcommunity.com. When you go to the website, you are going to be walked through exactly how to get this tool. Let's dive into the 6 ways you can leverage this tool to serve your community better and optimize your business:

1. Create Customized Community Engagement Posts

Engaging your community is vital, but generic engagement posts can feel stale and disconnected from your content. With the custom AI tool, you can generate engagement posts specifically tailored to your content. These posts, which I like to call "sand posts," foster discussions and connections within your community. 

To illustrate this, I tested this with a client who has a self-image membership program. I asked this tool the question, what questions can I ask to create engagement around the topic of personal style? If you asked the same question to ChatGPT it’s going to come up with some generic responses and questions that you can ask, but this gave me a response that had specific questions that were related to what she actually teaches.

Some of the responses included: 

  • What is your style statement as it relates to defining your brand, living your brand, and dressing your brand? 

  • How do you want your appearance to reflect back to you the self-image that you are cultivating? 

  • What clothing brands appeal to the self-expression you wish to convey to the world? 

  • How will you dress in alignment with your personal goals so that you embody and reflect back to yourself as a reminder of the life that you’re moving toward? 

This is clearly not generic and is reflecting the tone, voice, and the teachings of my client, Tonya Leigh, in these engagement questions. You can utilize this tool with all of its intelligence generated around your content. You can utilize it to create these sand type engagement posts for your community, which gets stale over time if you are the community manager creating those. 

2. Improve Community Coaching and Support Responses

Providing thoughtful and comprehensive responses to community, coaching, and support inquiries takes time. The AI tool can significantly improve the efficiency of your team by generating intelligent responses based on your content. Whether it's a question about attending live calls or requesting time off, the tool can pull information from your videos and provide a response that references specific training resources. It not only saves time but also empowers your team to provide better support to your community.

Consider the challenge of responding to coaching and support inquiries effectively. Luckily, the AI tool comes to the rescue! Let's say you have a post in your community that requires a detailed response. Simply input the question into the tool, and it will generate a customized response based on its knowledge. You can then modify it as needed. This tool is also incredibly useful for handling support emails. When someone is looking for a resource, just ask the tool to find the most relevant video from your training materials to address their question. What's even better is that the tool provides references to the content it uses. It can intelligently pull information from various videos and guide you to the exact timestamp, such as "46 minutes into module one, lesson two." Click on the reference, and you'll be taken directly to that specific training or lesson within your course or membership. Now, imagine the impact of using this tool to support your community, managers, and coaches. It won't replace them, but it will be an invaluable tool that enhances their efficiency, enabling them to serve more people effectively.

3. Increase Consumption of Content

If you have a library of valuable content that isn't getting the attention it deserves, this AI tool can help increase content consumption. By referencing past videos and pointing members to specific training materials, it ensures that your community members have easy access to a wealth of knowledge. This tool helps bridge the gap between the latest content and valuable resources that may have been overlooked.

For example, if a member asks a question about performing a closet audit in your self-image membership, the tool can intelligently reference a video from 2021 that covers that specific topic. By showcasing relevant content from your archives, you encourage members to explore and consume more of your valuable content, maximizing the value they receive from your program.

4. Reduce Support Tickets with a Support Chatbot

Support tickets can overwhelm your team, especially when responding to routine inquiries. By creating a support chatbot using the AI tool, you can streamline support and reduce the workload. The chatbot can intelligently answer frequently asked questions and provide relevant resources. Instead of generic responses,. Your team can also offer personalized support by leveraging the chatbot's knowledge base. 

Support teams often prioritize quick, formulaic responses to clear their overflowing inbox. But with this tool, you can create a support chatbot using your own video content. You gather videos that answer common support questions, put them in a folder, and use the tool to make a chatbot. When people ask a question on your support page, the chatbot directs them to the relevant video for help. This reduces support tickets and provides personalized responses. You don't need to buy another tool for this – you can create multiple chatbots based on different functions using this one tool. It's a simple and efficient way to support your customers.

5. Increase Team Efficiency for Human-to-Human Connection

Teams play a crucial role in delivering exceptional experiences to your community. The AI tool can boost team efficiency by creating custom HR chatbots or internal support chatbots. By uploading training videos and SOPs, you can equip your team with a powerful resource to quickly find answers and solve problems. This reduces the dependency on individual team members and allows for cross-training opportunities. With more efficient processes in place, your team can focus on building human-to-human connections and driving your business forward.

Imagine you have a team that needs access to various training videos and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Using the AI tool, the HR chatbot or internal support chatbot incorporates these resources. This means that team members can ask the chatbot questions about payroll, time-off requests, or specific processes. The chatbot can respond with tailored information and even provide direct links to the relevant training videos or SOPs. This streamlines internal processes, empowers team members to find answers independently, and frees up time for more valuable human-to-human connections within your team.

6. Apply Frameworks and Help Your Community Make Progress Faster

Now, here's where things get truly mind-blowing. The AI tool can understand your frameworks and apply them in specific contextual situations. Imagine your members being able to ask the tool how to apply a particular framework to their unique circumstances. By requesting a response using your framework, the tool can provide thoughtful, context-specific answers, teaching your members how to navigate challenges effectively. 

This aspect of the AI tool is truly groundbreaking. It allows you to apply your specific frameworks and teachings to unique situations. For instance, I have a framework called the ARC (Acknowledge, Reference, Connect) Response Model. A member could ask the AI tool how to apply that model to a specific scenario. The tool can then generate a response that not only applies the framework but also teaches the member how to use it effectively. 

For example, I asked, “Please craft a response to this comment using the ARC Response Model.” Then I gave it a fictitious comment that would be posted in my community or maybe sent to me via email. Sally asked, “I have a member that is always complaining about the time of our live calls. I want to serve her, but I am also not available for the night calls that she wants. How do I tell her this?”

Now, remember, I didn't just ask it to give me a response. I asked it to give me a response using my framework, the ARC Response Model. And this is the response: “Sally, I hear that you have a member who's consistently complaining about the timing of your live calls. That must be challenging for both you and the member.” 

Did you hear that? That part was the A of the ARC Response Model, which is to acknowledge, to express understanding and empathy. “Have you tried acknowledging her concerns and seeking clarity on what she needs? You could say something like, I understand that the timing of our calls is not working for you. Can you tell me more about what time would work better for you?”

Hold up. This is getting very Meta because not only is it responding with the ARC Response Model, but it is telling Sally to respond with the ARC Response Model. It's encouraging her to use the ARC Response Model. “Once you have a better understanding of her needs, you can reference a resource”, hello, that's the R. 

“That may be helpful. For example, if you have recorded versions of your live calls, you could suggest that she watched the replay at a time that works better for her. Alternatively, you could suggest that she connect with other members who may be available at a time that works better for her.”  That's the C. It just used my ARC Response Model and applied it to this specific situation.

It goes on to say, “it's important to keep in mind the business goals and give one clear call to action”, which is something I talk about. “If the live calls are a key component of your program, you may want to emphasize the importance of attending them and suggest that she try to make adjustments to her schedule if possible. However, if attending the live calls is not essential, you could suggest alternative ways for her to engage with content. 

In summary, Sally, I recommend acknowledging your members' concerns, seeking clarity on her needs, and referencing a resource that may be helpful. Keep in mind the business goals and give one clear call to action. By doing so, you can help your member feel seen, heard, and understood while also finding a solution that works for both of you.”

What just happened? A computer just responded to Sally with more depth than I ever would. My mind was absolutely blown when I read this, not because it gave a long response, but it actually gave a thoughtful response that completely leveraged my ARC Response Model and taught Sally how to use that model herself.

Embrace the Power of AI

The whole purpose of an online community is to help people make progress and thrive. Progress, not just engagement, is what we're after. Sure, connection is fantastic, but the real goal is to support individuals in feeling safe, connected, and supported. And let me tell you, this tool we've been talking about is going to be a game-changer in achieving just that. It's brand new and still in its early stages, but. I've secured early access and I'm here to show you the ropes on how to work around the system and implement it in your business. 

But here's the exciting part, my friends. This tool is only going to get better, and it's designed with content creators and community leaders like us in mind. I've been in direct contact with the founder, brainstorming ideas on how to make it even more amazing for all of you. There might even be some exclusive features coming our way. So don't wait, jump on this opportunity now. 

Head over to aiforcommunity.com, to learn all about this tool and gain access. You can start getting your content in there and training the chatbot on how to utilize your content and frameworks. Then your members can maximize their use of all of the amazing content inside of your program, and your team can speed up the process of being able to support your members.

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Ep 69: How to Develop a Winning Framework with Mel Abraham


Ep 67: What to do When Stuff Hits the Fan in your Community