Ep 10: How to Use Voice Broadcasts to Increase Connection with Janice Anderson

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How To Use Voice Broadcasts to Increase Connection with Janice Anderson

In Seth Godin's book, "Purple Cow," he discusses the concept of creating a remarkable business. Often in the online space, we do things that are initially remarkable, but eventually become commonplace as others start doing them. 

During my beta program for my training course, a participant named Janice Anderson shared a unique and effective approach she used to gain attention and increase engagement among her members.

Janice's method stood out to me because she took an old tool that many consider outdated and used it in a fresh and exciting way. This approach, which is not commonly seen in the online space, has yielded excellent results for her. I was eager to dive deeper into Janice's strategy and learn from her experience.

Janice is an extraordinary individual, a powerhouse entrepreneur who brings a vibrant and inspiring presence to any room she enters. She shares a common connection with me through our shared faith in Jesus and the joys and challenges of raising children. Janice's mission is to help people create a more meaningful life, and she hosts the Significant Life podcast, which I highly recommend subscribing to.

Favorite Community

What has been your favorite community that you've been a part of and what made it special?

I think the ones that made me thrive was the Exchange Community. The learning environment is designed to enhance  facilitation skills and inspire action. What sets this community apart is its remarkable life-giving nature. Generosity flows abundantly among its members. The level of generosity is truly exceptional, with continuous sharing of resources, ideas, and active support for one another's events. Importantly, this community is not focused on constant pitching. Instead, mutual respect prevails. Despite our diverse spiritual beliefs, I, as a believer, have found acceptance and embrace. Others in the group who hold different beliefs are not shunned either. There is a beautiful sense of inclusivity where no one feels like an outcast. From the moment I joined, I felt valued as an asset to the community.

Offering A Safe Place For Connection

Who do you serve and how do you serve them? 

I have the privilege of serving Christian women of influence who lead in various spheres, such as ministries, businesses, nonprofits, and homes. My role is to help them create and cultivate a WHI (Wholehearted, Holy, Impactful) life. It's about living, leading, and serving from a grounded place.

Our conversation just before we started highlighted the reality of life's challenges and distractions. Amidst all the chaos, how do we remain anchored, still, and confident in our true selves? That's the question I address. These women of faith, who are part of my community, often face the misconception that they have it all together. However, they too experience self-doubt, disconnection from loved ones during difficult times, and undervalue their unique contributions to the world.

I offer a safe space for these women to gain the necessary skills, equip themselves, and engage in a life-giving community membership community. Together, we navigate these challenges and support one another.

Get it Done and Come Undone 

Do you work with leaders in the church, business, or both? 

I primarily work with women who hold influential leadership positions. This includes first ladies, CEOs, executive directors, entrepreneurs, and women in management roles. I specifically focus on women who actively lead, as there's immense pressure on them to pour into others. However, they often lack spaces where they can be poured into and come undone.

In my podcast, I often mention that the Significant Life community is a place where women can both "get it done" and "come undone." It's essential for me because I've personally experienced leading ministry teams, working with CEOs and pastors as clients, while also being a mother, entrepreneur, and leader of a team of nine. I need a supportive environment where I can admit that I don't have it all together without fear of judgment.

Creating Connection In An Unconventional Way With Voice Broadcast

What is it  that you do to get attention, create more connections with your members in a unique way that is also scalable?

I use voice broadcast technology to capture attention and foster connection with my community members in a unique and scalable way. I've been utilizing this strategy since 2012, accumulating a decade's worth of experience.

When I mention voice broadcast technology, some people may not be familiar with the term. It's similar to the automated calls you receive from politicians during election season, often known as Robo Calls. However, there's a crucial distinction. The individuals in my community know me and have a personal connection with me. So when I send these messages, it's informal and conversational. I might say, "Hey, girl, I'm in the garage and I just had to share something with you real quick before my husband comes. So listen up." It's a very casual approach that makes them feel like they're having a one-on-one conversation with me.

The messages are limited to 90 seconds, as that's the maximum duration I have. But I ensure that every second counts. I invest in a sufficient amount of minutes to accommodate my calls, and they're always listened to by the recipients. The immediate result is a strong sense of connection with the women in my community. They genuinely feel like I personally called them, and it creates a fun and engaging experience.

While it may be considered "old technology," utilizing voice broadcast stands out as a unique and special approach precisely because it's not commonly used. Nowadays, receiving phone calls that genuinely uplift and engage us is a rare occurrence. Typically, incoming calls are associated with spam, bill collectors, or reminders from doctor's offices.

Using Broadcast Messaging 

How does this work? What do you share in each broadcast message? 

To increase the likelihood of my calls being answered, I utilize my real phone number as the caller ID. By displaying my actual name, like "Janice Anderson," recipients recognize the missed call and feel a sense of urgency to respond or retrieve the message.

I use these calls to encourage attendance for our upcoming special classes.  I also utilize reminders within our community.  To entice participation, I provide a teaser message, like, "Hey, remember when we discussed money last month? Well, this Thursday at 8:00 PM during life class, we'll be diving deeper into the topic. Make sure to put the kids to bed or bring them along and put your phone on mute. You won't want to miss it!" This approach aims to boost engagement and ensure that members attend these important live sessions. 

I also  use voice broadcasts to give inspiration or punctuate a point that I notice many of the members are struggling with. 

Tools For Broadcasts

What is the current tool you use for your broadcasts? 

I've been using CallingPost since 2012, and despite not being the most advanced company, it has proven to be effective for me. When using this service, you may be familiar with the message prompt that says, "This is a message from CallingPost. Press one." However, I have paid for the option to remove the "press one" prompt. 

Regarding recording, it's incredibly simple. You can pre-record messages in advance, even while you're on a walk. Later, you can easily upload the recorded message to the CallingPost system.

Broadcast Calls and Impact to Members

How has using the broadcast calls  impacted your members?

My members often become emotional and express their gratitude when they receive a phone call from me. They thank me for taking the time to connect with them personally. These calls help them feel seen and not forgotten, and it adds a personal touch to our relationship. Even though I can't speak to every member individually as the membership grows, using voice broadcasts allows me to maintain that connection without physically reaching out to each person.

Implementing Voice Broadcasts

If someone wanted to implement this strategy themselves and they were starting out with voice broadcasts, what's one piece of advice you would give them based on your 10 years of experience?

My key advice is to be yourself and speak as if you're having a conversation with one particular person, just like you would with a close friend. Connecting on a personal level makes the voice broadcasts more effective and less likely to be ignored.

Connect with Janice Anderson

Go to https://mysignificantlife.org/podcast/ to listen to her podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysignificantlife/

YouTube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfPwwmfQ0ve4D-VZDxdg8_g

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*This article has summarized the interview to the best of our ability. To hear the exact words shared, listen to or watch the full episode. 


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