Ep 30: How To Leverage Customer Success Stories

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How to Leverage Customer Success Stories

Learn more about my story collecting and organizing system. Use the coupon code "creators" to get a special discount on the system and bonus Story Masters training.

If you have an online course, membership or group coaching program, you probably know by now the importance of having customer success stories and testimonials in your business.. However, many businesses fail to fully leverage the potential of these stories beyond just the sales pitch. 

I’m going to share three steps to leveraging stories within your business and valuable tips to help you maximize the impact of your customer success stories and testimonials. Specifically, we will discuss how storytelling can be used not only to attract new customers but also to retain existing members for longer.

Stories Come from Progress 

When it comes to telling a story in your business, it's important to focus on the results that someone has achieved by being a part of your program. A story isn't just a review or a testimonial, it's a showcase of progress made. This progress could be big or small, but it's important to communicate it to others who may be considering your program.

There are various ways to communicate a story, such as through screenshots, videos, or even a PDF case study report. However, the key is to highlight the results that someone has achieved as a result of being in your program.

If you're struggling to find stories to tell, it's worth taking a look at your program and ensuring that it's designed to help people get results. Without a program that delivers results, it's difficult to find compelling stories to tell. So take a step back, evaluate your program, and make sure that it's set up to help people make progress towards their goals.

How to use Stories in your Business 

Leveraging stories within your program can be incredibly powerful in motivating your clients to keep making progress and overcoming any limiting beliefs or objections they may have. Stories help build trust, belief, and confidence that progress is possible, and they can be used in a variety of ways within your program.

For example, you can use stories during the orientation and onboarding process to help new clients understand what's possible and feel confident in their ability to achieve their goals. You can also use stories to showcase the results of specific training modules or deliverables, and to motivate clients to watch replays of live trainings they may have missed.

The key is to find ways to weave stories throughout your program in a way that feels natural and compelling. By doing so, you can help your clients stay motivated and engaged, leading to better results and a higher level of satisfaction with your program.

Three Key Steps to Leverage Stories

Do you really understand how to leverage stories in your business? If you're like most people that I've worked with, you don't. You know it's important, but you aren't quite sure what you need to be doing. So let's talk about these three key steps to leverage stories inside of your business.

Collecting Stories

Collecting stories is the first step in leveraging the power of storytelling in your business. The goal is to showcase the progress that people are making in your program. But how do you collect these stories?

One effective way to do this is to create a culture of progress in your community. Encourage people to share their wins and progress with others. You might create a dedicated thread or channel where people can post their progress updates. You can also set up a survey or form that asks people to share their progress and any feedback they have about your program.

Another effective way to collect stories is to simply ask people directly. When someone messages you or posts a positive comment in your community, respond by asking them to share more about their progress. This not only helps you collect stories, but it also helps you build stronger relationships with your members.

Organizing Stories

Once you have a collection of stories, the next step is to organize them effectively. This is where many people struggle. You don't want to end up with a pile of screenshots or videos that you can't find when you need them.

One way to organize your stories is to use tags or labels. For example, you might tag stories based on the objection they overcome or the milestone they showcase. This makes it easier to find the right story for the right person at the right time.

Another effective way to organize stories is to create a database or spreadsheet. This allows you to easily search for and sort stories based on different criteria. You might include details such as the person's name, the program they were in, the progress they made, and the objection they overcame.

Sharing Stories

The final step is to share your stories in a compelling way. This is where you can really leverage the power of storytelling to keep your members engaged and motivated.

One effective way to share stories is to feature them on your website or sales page. This helps build social proof and credibility. You might also use stories in your onboarding process to help new members get excited and motivated about the program.

Another effective way to share stories is to use them in your training videos or live sessions. For example, you might share a story of someone who overcame a similar obstacle to what you're teaching in the training. This helps build trust and credibility with your members.

Finally, you can use stories to overcome objections and build trust with your members. For example, if someone is struggling with a particular aspect of your program, you might share a story of someone who had the same struggle but was able to overcome it. This helps build belief and motivation in your members.

Storytelling in your Business 

Leveraging the power of storytelling is essential for anyone who runs an online course, membership or group coaching business. By collecting, organizing, and sharing stories, you can build social proof, overcome objections, and keep your members motivated and engaged. 

If you truly understand the power of storytelling, then you know the importance of having a solid system to collect, organize, and share your stories. I've been working with stories for over a decade now, and I've developed a Streamlined Story System™ that can help you do just that. In fact, I created this system after working with numerous online business owners and realizing the need for a better way to collect and organize stories. And now, I'm excited to share this system with you.

If you're interested, head on over to streamlinedstorysystem.com to learn more about my story collecting and organizing system. Use the coupon code "creators" to get a special discount on the system and bonus Story Masters training. So start collecting those stories, organize them effectively, and find creative ways to share them with your members.

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