Ep 93: Millionaire Sales Secrets and the Power of Personal Branding with Lauren Tickner

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Millionaire Sales Secrets and the Power of Personal Branding with Lauren Tickner

In today's digital age, building a personal brand has become a powerful tool for success. Lauren Tickner leveraged her personal brand to achieve millionaire status by the age of 23. Now she’s the driving force behind Impact School.

Lauren's journey is nothing short of astounding. She's shared stages with people such as Alex Hormozi, and GaryVee, and has conducted interviews with influential figures like Grant Cardone. Despite these incredible accomplishments, you might not yet be familiar with her name. Today, we're going to uncover the secrets behind her rapid success.

From building a powerful personal brand to leveraging the potential of direct message selling on social media, Lauren has cracked the code to scaling a business. But that's not all – she's now steering her business in a new direction, transitioning from a traditional sales team model to a more sustainable recurring revenue approach. Go listen to our entire conversation, and pay close attention to these key takeaways. 

Building a Personal Brand: 

Lauren's journey began with a fitness Instagram account she started at the age of 16. By sharing her fitness journey and connecting with like-minded individuals, she inadvertently stumbled upon an opportunity to monetize her personal brand.

Leveraging DMs for Sales: 

Lauren's success in growing her business can be attributed to her ability to sell through direct messages on social media. By establishing credibility and authority in her niche, she was able to connect with potential clients and convert them into paying customers.

The Power of Sideways Call-to-Action:

One of Lauren's effective strategies is using a sideways call-to-action in her content. By subtly mentioning her offerings and inviting engagement, she creates a natural conversation flow that leads to potential sales opportunities.

Top, Middle, and Bottom of the Funnel Content: 

Lauren strategically categorizes her content into top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Each category serves a specific purpose in nurturing leads and guiding them towards becoming paying clients. By tailoring her content to the different stages of the customer journey, she maximizes her chances of conversion.

Shifting Towards Recurring Revenue: 

While Lauren initially relied on a sales team to drive revenue, she realized that managing a large team was not aligned with her vision for a retention-focused coaching business. As a result, she made the decision to simplify her business model and shift towards a more recurring revenue model.

Lauren Tickner's journey from fitness influencer to millionaire entrepreneur is a testament to the power of personal branding and effective sales strategies. By leveraging her personal brand and utilizing direct messages on social media, she was able to build a thriving business. As she continues to evolve her business model, she emphasizes the importance of simplifying and focusing on recurring revenue.

To learn more about Lauren's story and gain valuable insights into marketing and entrepreneurship, go listen to the full podcast episode.

Connect with Lauren Tickner 

Impact School 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentickner/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurentickner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.tickner/ 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurentickner/ 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/laurentickner 

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