Ep 25: The Accountability Challenge That Creates More Results, Better Stories, & Stickier Members

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The Accountability Challenge That Creates More Results Better Stories & Stickier Members with Oonagh Duncan 

If you're involved in an online program, course, membership, or group coaching program, you understand the importance of ensuring that your members are making progress towards their desired transformation. Unlike some communities that merely sell a product or service and remain hands-off, we believe in actively supporting our members and cultivating a culture of progress. While there are various approaches to achieving this, many people default to using accountability groups. However, managing such groups can be challenging due to member dynamics and the difficulty of finding the right match. So, how can you establish accountability without relying on traditional accountability groups?

Meet Oonagh Duncan, a highly acclaimed multi-award-winning fitness expert and author of the best-selling book "Healthy as F" (also known as "Ditch the Diet"). Oonagh's unique approach to creating accountability within her fitness community has caught our attention, and we can't wait to delve into the specifics. Her infectious energy and vibrant brand resonate with her community, resulting in a thriving culture of progress. 

Let’s uncover the strategies Oonagh employs to foster accountability without relying on traditional accountability groups. Get ready to gain invaluable insights and learn how you can implement these practices within your own community.

Favorite Community 

I would love for you to tell us what is one of the, like the best communities that you've ever been a part of yourself. And tell us maybe one thing that you really loved about that community.

One of the best communities that I've been a part of was when I was an actor and I was part of a traveling theater company, a musical theater company. There were about 150 of us, and we were cast from all over the world. So there were probably about 26 different countries represented, and we toured all around, did community service, sang songs, and so on. 

What I loved about it was the diversity among the group members. We had different nationalities, age groups, and backgrounds. However, we were all united by a clear common purpose, which was putting on the show and achieving our collective goals. This shared purpose, combined with the constant change of locations, created an entirely new universe for us, where we formed strong bonds. 

By the end of the year, we knew each other so well that we could even recognize someone's shoes under the stall in the washroom and immediately know who it was. We had an incredible level of connection and familiarity. One thing I found particularly remarkable about this community was that we were all taken out of our normal environments, which often leads to unique opportunities for connection. Additionally, our shared purpose served as a powerful unifying force. These factors contributed to the success of that community.

I love how you'd speak about the diversity and how having that common purpose, which you know this, but I talk about the common cause as one of those key pillars of the Community Cultivated framework. But to see that and then to add on that element, like you said, of taking people out of their typical environment, I'm sure it just makes it that much stickier that much faster. 

It really amplified it. At the end of the year we did some funny checklists that included things like doing something crazy to their hair that they never would have done before and asking who had a best friend that speaks another language. It forced us to become different people in this environment and it was beneficial to everyone.

Fit Feels Good: Cultivating a Unique Fitness Culture

You've got this incredibly successful fitness business. Tell me a little bit about this business. Who is it you serve and what makes your culture so unique?

So the business is called Fit Feels Good, and it's all about acknowledging the importance of feeling good. You know, most of my clients initially come to me because they specifically want to lose weight. But at the end of the day, I always ask them, "Why do you want to lose that weight?" The reason is that they believe it will make them feel a certain way. The weight loss narrative often revolves around achieving confidence and other positive emotions once the desired weight is reached. However, I challenge this approach. Why not start by practicing feeling confident and see what else unfolds?

The focus of Fit Feels Good is not only on the end result but also on embracing the journey and the emotions we want to experience. I delve into the psychology of habit formation and foster a culture of fun within our group. Our workouts are enjoyable and filled with silly moments, choreographed to ridiculous songs. It's all about ensuring that the process feels good. Feeling good isn't just the ultimate goal; it's also the path we must take to achieve that goal. As I always say, no one has ever hated themselves into a body that they love. It simply doesn't work that way. We need to learn how to love ourselves in the present moment, in the bodies we have now, and embrace fun, sexiness, and confidence. Only then can we align our physical transformation with those positive feelings. That's why our group is so much fun—it's the whole point!

I love this because I'm a total psychology nerd, human behavior nerd, habits nerd. And for you to take all of that and really help them cultivate the mindset before they ever start doing anything to try and lose weight and then you take something that they probably are a bit begrudging about doing from a fitness perspective and you make it really fun, which engages them in play, which is a beautiful thing.

I mean, that's how habits are formed, right? You have the trigger, the behavior, and the reward. So if we can make their workouts feel inherently rewarding, it becomes fun. They enjoy it, and afterward, they post sweaty selfies, and we have this silly competition about who has the craziest post-workout frizz or the best "plank cleavage." We do these goofy things to make the whole experience enjoyable. As a result, they start developing a positive association with the behavior, the community with all of the social rewards that they're getting for posting these things and for this new identity that they're trying on.

28 Day Transformation Challenge 

What we're going to talk about today is a specific strategy that you use inside of your 28 day Transformation Challenge. So tell me a little bit about that challenge and then how it leads into your membership so that we have some context for that.

The 28-day transformation program is exactly that.  It lasts for 28 days and is super prescriptive. I provide meal plans, workouts, and we have a community. Throughout those 28 days, it's a progressive training and nutrition program. We start with yin yoga and by the end, participants are taking on CrossFit challenges. It's truly amazing to witness the incredible transformations people go through. However, we noticed that some individuals had concerns. They believed in the program's effectiveness but were uncertain if they would follow through, given their past experiences of investing in programs without committing to them. They expressed a need for greater accountability than what a group program offers. So, we brainstormed ways to address these concerns and came up with a bonus accountability contest.

The goal was to create an additional level of support and make participants feel more closely monitored, even within a group program. We also wanted to improve our testimonial collection system. Thus, we introduced the bonus accountability contest as an optional addition to the core content. Participants can choose to participate if they feel comfortable. 

Here's how it works: At the end of each week, they can send us pictures, stats, their program compliance, and how they're feeling. By consistently sharing their progress each week, they become eligible to win a membership in our continuity program. After completing the 28-day transformation, they have the opportunity to join our year-long membership program called "Masters of Fitness Awesomeness." It's an exceptional program that takes their fitness journey to the next level. Just to give you an idea of the price points, the 28-day transformation is priced at $297, while the MFA program is $997 or $99 per month.

When people are submitting their information, how are they doing that? Have you kept it really simple or do you have a system for them to be able to submit? What does that look like?

Oh my gosh, that's so simple. So in their original welcome email, we let them know and say, "If you want a little extra accountability, click here to enter our bonus accountability contest." And then if they click there, it puts them into another email automation, which will send them a little email saying, "Hey, it's time to send us your stuff." And that directs them to a Google Form where they can upload their pictures and let us know how it's going. And that's it. It's just a once-a-week submission process.

You said this comes in the welcome email. Do you ever bring it up or mention it in the sales process for that 28 day transformation?

Yeah, the only way that it's mentioned is when we talk about value stacking and the bonuses. So for example, when I'm presenting the offer in a webinar, I will say, "You know, I understand your past experiences with similar programs, where you may not have followed through. Well, let me assure you, I am committed to your success. I will personally review your photos once a week, provide guidance, and support you throughout your journey." I make it clear that submitting photos is optional, but if they choose to do so, they will be eligible for an amazing prize. We address this during the sales presentation, and it's also listed on the page as a bonus.

So what percentage would you say of people actually participate in this?

Yeah, it's really interesting. I would say probably around 30 to 40% of our participants actually engage in the bonus accountability contest. It wasn't as high as we initially expected, as we were hoping for around 50 to 75%. We might need to make some efforts to encourage more people to participate actively. However, we have noticed that those who do take part in the accountability contest are highly likely to continue with us and join the MFA program. It's worth mentioning that sometimes we encounter a small issue in our system where the winner of the contest has already made a purchase, and we need to issue a refund. But it's actually a positive problem to have because it indicates that the participants who engage in the accountability contest are more committed and motivated. Currently, we have approximately 30 to 40% participation, and we should focus on increasing that number.

Benefits of Having an Accountability System 

One of the things I would love to know is what are the other advantages of doing something like this? Are you able to use that information you're getting from them? Like the stories, how have you found these bonus benefits of having this kind of accountability system?

Yeah, so in order for them to qualify for the contest, they have to, of course, submit every week. They also have to give us permission to use their pictures and stories in our marketing, and they have to post their final pictures in the group. So there are a few things to consider here. Firstly, it's incredibly easy for us to gather the stories and pictures. It may seem like a small task, but by having participants design their own before-and-after collages, we eliminate the need for us to do that work. Additionally, giving them the choice to select the pictures they feel proud of and knowing how they will be used enhances their involvement.

Not only does it make it easier for our team to collect these materials for sales purposes, but it's also highly effective when participants post their final pictures and stories in the group. The engagement that these posts receive within the group is amazing. It helps to energize the group and serves as a powerful reminder of the journey we have embarked on together. It's like when they do a recap at the end of a cruise or an event, showcasing all the incredible experiences we've shared. These posts create a sense of closure and generate a tremendous feeling of accomplishment.

Advice from Oonagh 

If I were a course or membership owner, or let's say I do challenges and I'm trying to incorporate something like this where I have these weekly accountability checkpoints with my community, what's one piece of advice that you would give to me as I'm starting to try and figure out how to create a program like this for my community?

I would say in our case, it's super clear. Most people join my program because they want to lose weight. So, there's that visual aspect to it. If someone has this thought that, "Oh, if only I had a trainer who was watching me, who was on me, then I would be successful." So, my suggestion would be if you are a course creator, think about what your people's biggest fantasy is. For example, if only they had Shana to take over their membership and read every post or whatever it may be. Identify that big fantasy and then systematically create a sense of it.

In our case, we know that they want us to look at their bodies and track their compliance, among other things. So, we decided to create that experience for them. I think that's the key. If you can tap into the visual aspect they desire and have them submit that visual, you don't even have to provide individualized feedback. You're simply assuring them that you will see it. And that's true. By giving them the sense that they are seen and allowing them to submit what they want you to see, that's where you can start.

Connect with Oonagh 

So what's the best way for people to learn more about what you do and, and how you work in this fitness world?

Oh, sure. Well, I would love to see any of your listeners in the transformation, and they can even get started. I created the Get Fit Starter Kit, and I actually created this for friends of mine who were like, "Oh no, what do I do?" So it gives you know, five actions that you can do right now in 15 minutes online, and then we'll get you started and provide tips to see results in one week. So, that's what the Get Fit Starter Kit is all about. It's really meant to be that kickstart, jumpstart that people need in order to feel like they're making some progress. And it's totally free. You can find it at fitfeelsgood.com/community for your listeners. I would love to serve any of your people, for sure.

Fit Feels Good website: https://www.fitfeelsgood.com

Free Get Fit Starter Kit - the first five things I tell every client to do and quick tips to see results in a week https://www.fitfeelsgood.com/fitkit/ 

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*This article has summarized the interview to the best of our ability. To hear the exact words shared, listen to or watch the full episode. 


Ep 26: Resolving Customer Support Issues | The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly


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