Create a Thriving, Profitable Online Community for Your Course, Membership, or Coaching Program

(without the stress and overwhelm)


Get Your Time Back and Equip Your Community Leader With Proven Frameworks, Proactive Strategies and Streamlined Systems That Increase Your Reach, Retention, and Revenue

Are you tired of spending all day every day in your community?

Are you feeling the tension between managing your community and marketing your business?

Do you have a community manager that is constantly looking to you for guidance?

Do you feel like your team is reacting to your community insteading of leading it?


It’s not your fault that you haven’t taken the time to think strategically about your online community. 

It’s not your fault that your community manager isn’t taking initiative and proactively working to create a thriving community. 

You’ve been focused on growing the business and getting people into your programs. 

Things were fine when the community was smaller, but as it begins to scale, more people is only amplifying the problems in your community. 

You’re feeling overwhelmed, not excited whenever you get another notification.

Maybe you’ve even hired people to try and provide relief, but it’s only added to the stress as they’re constantly looking to you for guidance. 

If you’re still doing this all yourself, you’re probably feeling the tension of trying to maintain the community while bringing more and more people into the program. 

It’s not your fault that the community you very much wanted to create is now dragging you and your team down.

There’s never been training on how to not just manage, but cultivate a thriving community for your online course, membership, or group program. 

Until now… 


My name is Shana and I know the challenges you face when trying to grow and manage your online community.  


Because for the last 10+ years I’ve been helping national brands and the world’s leading online entrepreneurs create and cultivate thriving online communities. (Plus I’ve started and led many online and in-person communities of my own). 

Everything from trying to navigate the day-to-day of community management and handling the inevitable conflict that arises to developing proven strategies that activate community members and keep them engaged for longer.

And don’t get me started on the struggle to manage a growing community of thousands while trying to invest time in audience and list building… or a launch… it’s a LOT.  It’s no wonder that even the most skilled entrepreneurs and online business owners are feeling an immense sense of overwhelm.

That’s why…

I’m Sharing Everything You Need To Manage a Thriving Online Community Based on My Decade of Experience

(whether you’re the business owner or community manager)

it all starts with community

I’ve been researching and speaking about online communities since 2008. My background in marketing and passion for community led me to not only lead my own communities online, but to share my strategies with thousands of business owners.

I’ve worked hand-in-hand with the 7 & 8 figure online entrepreneurs you know and love – taking their communities from surviving to thriving while empowering their teams to think proactively and leverage proven systems. 

My decade of research and boots on the ground experience led to the development of my Community Cultivated™ Framework. 

In the past, I’ve taught this framework and training during a 2-day in-person workshop. Some of the top names in the online course, membership, and coaching space have invested $10000+ to send their teams to this workshop. 

My clients invest tens of thousands more for me to work with them one-on-one to implement what I’m going to be sharing with you in this program. 

I’ve curated my best and highest impact community strategies, systems, frameworks, and tactics into this program.




Kara Loewentheil
The Clutch

There's always ten million good new ideas you and your team want to execute and five million things going wrong all at once, and three million things you've forgotten about but shouldn't have.

  • Well, Shana is the octopus tamer. She will bring order to your team, clarity to your vision, and efficiency to your processes. Shana knows how to create and maintain community and how to teach your staff not just what to do, but how to THINK about their roles. As a mindset coach, that's always what matters to me most, because that's what enables the staff she trains and works with to succeed long after her engagement is over.


Corrine Crabtree
No BS Women

Shana has been working with my Community Manager and members of my community team for the past few months.

  • She's taught them how to think like a member and how to frame resources and messaging in a way that has not only made our community culture stronger, it's increased our retention rate significantly. Through her Community Cultivated beta program, she's taught my team the science behind community engagement, how to measure community success, and how to take both to create a member experience that is top notch. Her knowledge and wisdom have been invaluable and I would recommend her and her program to anyone who wants to take a deep dive into understanding their community and growing it in a healthy productive way.


Becky A. Davis
Bosspreneur AcceleratHER Academy

I now have a community manager, I learned how to prepare and train her, and we created our community language.

  • I up-leveled my community after going through Shana’s program. I now have a community manager, I learned how to prepare and train her, and we created our community language. These are just some of the things we learned from Community Cultivated. Since working with Shana, our retention has increased and our community engagement and interaction have doubled.

My belief is this…

When I help YOU create a thriving community (without the stress and burnout that’s so common to online business owners), you’ll be able to help more people make more progress. Together we’ll be creating connection and belonging in a world where loneliness is a pandemic. 

That’s the kind of impact you started this business for, right?


But…If You Burn Out, Check Out or Can’t Grow Your Program, Then All The Time and Money You’ve Invested Goes to Waste

The long term health and sustainability of your business is 100% dependent on your ability to help your members make more progress and stay longer.  

Creating a thriving community that has a culture of progress is essential to retention and ascension for our online programs. 

But how do you create a thriving community?

And more importantly, how do we equip and empower a team to bring that vision to life?

That’s where my Community Cultivated™ Framework and this program come in. 

This program will help you maximize your profit and multiply your impact through the power of community.


Creating a thriving community boils down to 4 key elements.

When done right with the right strategy and the right plan, people stay longer, are more engaged, and make way more progress…. all of which means a more profitable, stable online program.

What’s the value of keeping 20, 50, 100 new members this year?

What’s the value in cutting your refunds in half?

What’s the value in 10 or 20 more raving fans?

What does that mean to you and your business?

But nothing is more valuable than the peace of mind you get when you’re so confident in your community team that you can truly unplug and take time away to do what you love with the people you love the most. 

  • You understand the value of community and how it integrates into every aspect of the business. You know you can uplevel it to increase your reach and retention, but you don’t know how.

  • You have someone helping you in the community, but you feel inadequate when it comes to guiding them. They’re always coming to you when things go wrong.

  • You know you want to equip them to do their job effectively and efficiently. You want them to not just manage the community, but lead the community initiatives for your team.


Whether you want to uplevel your community strategies or equip your community manager, this program is for you!

This program will not only teach you how to create a thriving community, it will equip you with proven systems and frameworks that save you time.

You’ll get access to…

  • Bite-sized trainings that teach you the high-level strategies and day-to-day tactics that you can leverage to make managing a thriving community a breeze.

  • But it’s also a collection of community resources, real-life examples, and proven frameworks that simplify the implementation process.  Just imagine the time you will save.

  • ​This is an essential training resource for novice and seasoned community creators and managers alike. You’ll get access to timeless and proven strategies that apply no matter what platform you use for your community.

  • These aren’t the latest trends and tactics. You’ll be creating community systems and strategies that will outlast the ebbs and flows of your industry. 

  • You and your team will be empowered to make better decisions when issues arise in the community & grow your expertise so you feel confident in how you support your members.

  • And most importantly, it’s going to help you fall in love with your community again so you can serve more people - all while making things easier and far less stressful.

Keeping Your Existing Customers Is Far More Profitable Than Gaining New Ones!

If we just talk numbers, joining this program will become one of the best investments you can make in your business.


Because if all you do is get 1 idea to bring in or save a few new customers a year… it pays for itself.

Do you think that what you’re going to learn will help you gain or keep enough new customers to pay for itself and more?

Of course it is! And so much more… 

That’s not accounting for the time saved using our proven systems.

That doesn’t include the confidence you’ll gain in knowing how to leverage your community to help your members make more progress.

Or the stress that will be eliminated as your team begins to take ownership and leadership within your community.

The world is already chaotic enough. Your community should be a place that not only breathes life into your members, but to you too. 

That’s why now more than ever, it has become increasingly important to know how to create a safe community space and cultivate a strong culture.


So how do you know if you’re ready for this program?


This program is not for everyone.

I want you to be confident in your investment so let’s talk about who it’s for and who should hold off for now. 


Who this is for.

  • • Understand the value of community and how it impacts every aspect of their business - reach, retention, and revenue - and are ready to invest in strategically cultivating a thriving community.

    • Are overwhelmed and feel like they’re drowning in their community and want to fall back in love with their community.

    • Have scaled fast and pieced it all together, but know they need more support in their community efforts but don’t know where to begin.

    • Have a community team member that you want to see increase their effectiveness in their role so you're maximizing your investment in them.

    • Have a community team member that you want to see elevate their strategic thinking and leadership so that they lead the charge for community initiatives in the company.


Who this is not for.

  • • Are just getting started. If you’re still struggling to grow your list or your audience or haven’t quite cracked the conversion code for your business yet, your focus needs to be elsewhere. I’ll be here when you’re ready.

    • Are looking for basic training on how to manage the tech of a Facebook group. Facebook has its own free training for that. Although you may use Facebook for your platform, it’s not your community. It’s just the platform where your community gathers.

    • Have too much on your plate already and don’t have a team member to put through this program. If you’re looking for a quick fix or liferaft to save you from drowning in your community, this isn’t it. Our community manager agency would be a better fit for you until you can invest time in this training for yourself or a team member.


But if you have a growing community and you’re ready to go from…

Reactive to proactive community management, managing your members to activating them, focusing on
engagement to strategically driving retention, overwhelm to calmly and confidently leading your community.
This is for you!



So if you’re an online business owner and you want a thriving community and empowered community team without the stress and overwhelm, it’s time to join us in the Cultivate program.

Beyond the strategies and tactics, you’ll get access to our swipe files and templates to make implementing what you learn even easier. I’ll also share the behind-the-scenes of the systems and processes used to make these strategies come to life.

You’ll be equipped to create a culture of progress within your community that leads to more results, better stories, and community members that won’t stop talking about how amazing your program is. 

Your community leaders will be equipped and empowered to move from group cheerleader to community cultivator.