Ep 84: AI-Accelerated SEO: The Marketing Channel You’re Missing with Julia McCoy

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AI-Accelerated SEO: The Marketing Channel You’re Missing with Julia McCoy

If you haven't been keeping an eye on the AI-driven content landscape, you might already be falling behind. I understand it might not be what you want to hear, but there are enormous opportunities for folks like you who run online programs to drive traffic through SEO-optimized content. Our guest today is a true expert in this field. She's also the president of a software company that simplifies the process of tapping into this traffic source for your business.

I'm excited to introduce you to Julia McCoy, who has authored 8 books and earned a spot among the top 30 content marketing experts globally. Julia is the founder of Content Hacker and has successfully exited a 100-person writing agency. You might also recognize her as the President of Content at Scale, where she spearheads major initiatives for one of the fastest-growing AI content writing tools tailored for SEO marketers worldwide. 

Here are some takeaways to pay attention to: 

1. AI is Revolutionizing Content Creation:  Advanced AI writing tools are changing the game of content creation. They can generate high-quality content quickly, saving hours of work previously required for manual writing. This technology has evolved significantly, making it accessible and efficient for businesses to produce content.

2. AI Requires Human Touch: While AI can create content efficiently, it still lacks the ability to provide personal experiences and storytelling that come from human perspective and expertise. Writers and content creators can leverage AI for initial drafts but should focus on optimizing the content by adding their unique voice, anecdotes, and storytelling to connect with readers on a deeper level.

3. Optimization Is the New Skill: Content creators should focus on optimizing AI-generated content. Instead of starting from scratch, AI can be used to generate a first draft quickly. Writers can then employ an optimization process, which includes cutting unnecessary content, reviewing and improving, adding media and visuals, fact-checking, and building trust through storytelling and tone. This optimization skill is valuable in the evolving content landscape.

4. Opportunity in SEO and Content: There is significant opportunity in the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content creation. AI-driven tools like Content At Scale can revolutionize content production, making it faster and more accessible. SEO and content are valuable assets for businesses, providing a sustainable source of traffic and leads.

5. Shift in Mindset: Individuals and businesses should look beyond traditional marketing methods and consider the long-term benefits of investing in SEO and content. It's about asking, "What does this make possible for me?" and recognizing the potential of building a website as an empire for traffic and leads.

I hope you enjoy our conversation on the importance of SEO and content marketing, the need for a mindset shift, and the value of accessible content writing resources. Check out this SEO tool powered by AI at contentatscale.ai 

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