Ep 83: Shifting Community Models: Free vs. Paid

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Shifting Community Models: Free vs Paid

I recently saw a post in a group I'm part of, where someone was struggling with the idea of adding a community to their business. They had questions like, "How do I handle my free community? Should it be the same as my paid one? What about different levels of membership?" These questions probably sound familiar if you've thought about adding a community to your business too. 

Here are 3 points I want you to think about if you struggle with having a community in your business. 

1. Community-First Model: There's a notable shift in the approach to building communities online. Traditionally, businesses would create a product and then add a community component to enhance its value. However, a more effective approach is emerging: a community-first model. 

This means creating a community before the product, where the community's needs and desires inform the development of the product. This approach results in better products that align with the community's goals.

2. The Purpose of Free and Paid Communities: It is important to understand the purposes of free and paid communities. A free community serves as a space to build trust, establish subject matter authority, and help potential customers bridge the gap between their current state and the value the product offers. 

A paid community supports customers in implementing the product and making progress. These distinct roles help ensure that each community serves its intended purpose effectively.

3.  Tailoring Communities to Different Customer Levels: There is a need for different levels of communities based on customer needs and product tiers. Free communities are designed to attract potential customers and prepare them for purchasing. 

Higher-level programs like group coaching or masterminds benefit from having separate communities that cater to the specific needs and conversations of those participants. The choice of community platform (e.g., Facebook, Slack, or others) can vary depending on the audience and purpose.

The landscape of online communities is evolving. If you need help strategically leveraging community in your business to enhance your products or customer engagement, let’s have a virtual chat! 

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