Ep 96: How this One Question can be Rocket Fuel for your Business with Blake Fly

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How this One Question can be Rocket Fuel for your Business with Blake Fly

I'm excited to show you a glimpse into the world of unforgettable connections and the power of genuine appreciation. A few years back, I had the pleasure of crossing paths with today's guest at an event, and ever since, I've been captivated by his secret superpower that has transformed his business and personal relationships.

Meet Blake Fly, a nine-time TEDx speaker whose remarkable ability to send personal, intentional messages has resulted in an astonishing nearly 100% open rate and hundreds of thousands of dollars in business. But here's the thing – his true purpose is to reveal the profound impact of expressing appreciation. And let me tell you, this goes far beyond just business.

In this episode, Blake shares his wisdom on how the art of appreciation can make customers feel truly seen and valued. It's a lesson that can revolutionize the way we build communities and foster connections. I encourage you to listen to the entire episode. Keep an ear out for the five key takeaways that can transform your approach to community and business. 

Expressing appreciation is a catalyst for building meaningful connections: 

Blake emphasizes the importance of looking back, celebrating progress, and appreciating the people in our lives. By expressing genuine gratitude, we can create lasting connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.

Appreciation leads to increased engagement and business success: 

Blake's intentional messages of appreciation have resulted in almost 100% open rates and hundreds of thousands of dollars in business. By acknowledging and thanking key individuals, we can foster stronger relationships and generate positive outcomes in our businesses.

The "REACH" framework for showing appreciation: 

Blake introduces the REACH framework, which stands for Research, Engage, Acknowledge, Call to Action, and High Five. This framework provides a practical approach to reaching out to others and expressing appreciation in a thoughtful and personalized manner.

Acknowledgment makes people feel seen and valued: 

Acknowledging others' contributions and efforts is a powerful way to make them feel seen and valued. By taking the time to reflect on specific moments of impact and expressing gratitude, we can create a sense of belonging and deepen our connections.

Appreciation extends to both personal and professional relationships: 

Blake's approach to appreciation extends beyond business interactions. Whether it's reaching out to team members, clients, or collaborators, expressing gratitude can have a profound impact on relationships. It fosters a positive and supportive environment, leading to increased engagement and success.

Show your Appreciation

The power of appreciation cannot be underestimated. By incorporating the REACH framework and making a conscious effort to express gratitude, we can build unforgettable connections and create a positive ripple effect in our personal and professional lives.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic, I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode featuring Blake Fly. Take the first step today and start showing appreciation to those who have made a difference in your life, and send me a DM to let me know how it went. 

Connect with Blake Fly 

Blake’s FREE Video Series: https://instantconnecting.com/

Blake’s website: https://blakefly.com/

Blake’s Social Media Accounts: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blakefly

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blakefleischacker

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