Ep 97: What Does a Community Manager Actually Do?

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What does a Community Manager Actually Do?

Have you ever wondered what exactly a community manager does? It's a question that often arises, and in a recent mastermind event, this topic was explored in depth. Let’s delve into the key responsibilities of a community manager, providing you with valuable insights into their role. As you listen to the full episode, make sure you pay close attention to these key takeaways.

Ownership of the Community Forum: 

A community manager takes charge of the community forum, whether it's a Facebook group, Circle community, Mighty Networks, or an Instagram community. They are responsible for setting it up, staying updated on new features, and optimizing its performance.

Moderation and Engagement: 

While a community manager isn't the sole person responsible for moderation and engagement, they play a crucial role in supporting and guiding community members. They identify important posts that require your attention, facilitate connections among members, and ensure the overall engagement of the community.

Onboarding and Orientation: 

A community manager is instrumental in creating a smooth onboarding process for new members. They help acclimate newcomers to the community culture, encourage introductions, and ensure awareness of guidelines. Additionally, they can extend their support to improve the onboarding experience for your program or course.

Communication Strategy: 

Community managers handle all communication within the community forum, including event announcements, reminders, and newsletters. They also assist in organizing and facilitating community-related deliverables such as live discussion calls and orientation sessions.

Reporting and Team Support: 

Community managers act as the pulse point of the community, reporting trends, member successes, and challenges to the team. They collaborate with customer support, providing context and assisting in the development of frequently asked questions and support articles. Additionally, they ensure all community-related standard operating procedures are documented and up to date.

Backbone of your Community 

As you can see, the role of a community manager extends far beyond simply posting and engaging in a Facebook group. They are the backbone of your community, responsible for its smooth functioning, member satisfaction, and overall growth. Hiring a community manager who possesses strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a genuine love for people is crucial.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic and gain a comprehensive understanding of the community manager role, we highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode. Also, to learn more about hiring and the best practices of a community manager, visit shanalynn.com/bestpractices.

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