Ep 89: The Value Myth: How Guilt Can Sabotage your Business

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The Value Myth: How Guilt Can Sabotage your Business 

Do you ever find yourself feeling guilty for having more time freedom as an entrepreneur? Do you feel like you should be investing more time in your paying members rather than your free content and community? If so, you're not alone. I'm here to offer you something a little different, a gift of sorts. I’m stepping away from the usual practical and strategic advice I often share and diving deep into a coaching moment – one that I hope brings you relief and clarity.

As Community Creators you've dedicated yourself to nurturing your free content and community, but you sense an imbalance. You might even feel guilty for making more while investing less time. It's a critical issue with profound consequences for your business and community.

In this episode, I cover the dangers of this imbalance and provide guidance on how to address it. If you can relate, go listen to the full episode, and pay close attention to the five key takeaways that can help you strike the right balance in your community and business. 

The Danger of Guilt: 

Feeling guilty for investing less time in your free content and community can harm your business and hinder the progress of your paying members. This guilt may lead to either pulling back from your free content or overwhelming your paying members with unnecessary content.

The Nature of Business: 

In the early stages of your business, the majority of your time and energy will be focused on acquiring customers. This means more effort in creating free content and casting a wide net to build your paid product community.

Value Does Not Equate to Time: 

The value of your program does not come from how much time it takes you to create it. Instead, it comes from the value your customers derive from the product. Recognize that the effort you put into creating content does not necessarily equate to the value your customers receive.

Depth and Personalization: 

Paying members often receive more depth in content, discussions, and training compared to free content consumers. They may also have access to additional resources and personalized coaching that free content consumers do not have. Focus on providing depth and personalization rather than creating more content.

Embrace Time Freedom: 

When you start experiencing the gift of time freedom, don't fill it with more work out of guilt. Instead, celebrate your achievements and fill your time with activities that bring you joy, elevate you as a person, and allow you to pursue your passions outside of work.

Embracing time freedom as an entrepreneur is essential for your well-being and overall success. Remember that the value of your program lies in the results and progress your customers achieve, not in the amount of time you invest. So, let go of guilt and enjoy the time freedom you've worked so hard to attain. If you want to dive deeper into this topic, I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode.

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